I ♥ God, Raffles Netball (Batch '11) and my friends to the max!
ELAINE; I ♥ God, Raffles Netball (Batch '11) and my friends to the max!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
omgzomgggggJOAN!!!! o i love you so!!! coughs it rhymes. (: lala. ok im like quite happy today, but not only because of the dsa thing. my class is soooo fun!!!!xD -the post below is about a typical music lesson 6Ns have- on tuesday's music, mr chew went REALLY mad. he walked really slowly and went to staff room to get something, so we got to the music room first. julian was playing the piano, and all the boys were like crowding around him xD we thought julian's oh-so-touching piano pieces would touch him. nah. it did not. he came in with a gloomy face D: jit wu and others made lots of noise. mr chew: THAT BOY OVER THERE (qinghao) GO TO THE BACK! qinghao walks to the back; the 'wall' which separates the 2 music rooms. jit wu did something that really made mr chew angry. mrchew: 只有没教养的人才会这样! jit wu *says innocently*: huh? 什么是教养!!? ok. jit wu reallly didnt know what 教养 is. cant really blame him. he really doesnt have any. lolll so mr chew continues scolding we girls got bored. started chatting ! we were talking about daryl and someone's kid being called mindarie. =\ so no offence to amanda (REALLY!) but i was saying AMANDA! den someone, so coincidentally luh, said CHU QING HAO! den we realised it. it works! amanda choo qing hao. xDDDDDDD and another one; perry came up with it: MarinaBay Wei Heng. and BOMBay Wei Heng. haha. get it? lol. k 6Ns are lame. CHALLLEETTT END OF YEAR! though aidan doesnt know what a chalet is. xDDD o. talking about parties. WHERE"S DE 5M GATHERING?!?! hahah im invited to a badmintoners party!! (: yayyy. but its not until in december. i told zhengxi to make it a christmas party. :] hope its fun. xDDDDD today was ubber fun luh. ms tay came 30 min late. so we were like standing at the lift there, waiting for the lift to rise to '6' but everyone it gets to 5, we'll start to run. but then realise that the lift went down again. .__. SO FUN! xD everyone was screaming and shouting and running about.. even the BUSTRIPHOME was fun too! xD shawn (chew; viv's bro) was getting down the bus. usually viv is with her bro. but today and ytd, she wasnt. but bus uncle (who calls the girls 美女) doesnt know that. so when shawn's alighting, the bus uncle shouted, “来!美女!到了!”xDDDD everyone was like laughing luh! shawn looked like he wanted to murder the uncle. poor uncle was like pai seh pai seh. xDD last week, there was this radio program on the bus. the DJ said 有话自己说! den i was so bored. so i was like 说了自己听! den after that someone farted. so we came up with another one: 有屁自己放, 放了自己闻! so zhengxi said 有卷自己改, 改了拿一百! it was later modified to 有卷自己批, 批了拿第一! xDDDD so funny luh. WATER BABY<3 CRAZ IN THE BUS! tata! gtg le. tmrw t'chers day celebratioN! xDDDDD prefects have to wear retro clothes. xDDD NYPS RAWKS KAYS. byes |