I ♥ God, Raffles Netball (Batch '11) and my friends to the max!
ELAINE; I ♥ God, Raffles Netball (Batch '11) and my friends to the max!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
HELLOomg. chem today was wonderfully RETARDED. lol! mr lau came in for 20 min to tell us all the rules we have to abide by for the worksheets. then he left class. which means, NO TEACHERS IN CLASS! so for one of the worksheets, we're supposed to do in groups of 4, so aileen, leti, dawneh and elaneh did together :D hahaha we just kept laughing and making jokes about the formulae and stuff. LOL FUNNY. like, one of them is KOH. what's koh? LOL i forgot. thenn.. got. NaNO also HAHAAH funny. and. erm one of the answers we wrote k3n. KEN! x)) haha kk it was retarded luh. then we kept laughing and making a lot of noises. most noisy group ;D <3 then min ee asked us what "F-O-N" is. (the chemical formula) then me and dawneh replied together FON LUH! LOL! hmm. i don't think you get it but it's funny HAHAAH. -.- oh. then we told jokes. ermermerm it's kinda sick so i shall tell the most unsick one. Girls A, B, and C died and went to heaven. God told them not to step on any pink clouds 'cause it'll bring bad luck. One day, A and B saw C going out with this REALLY UGLY guy. So, they asked her what happened! C said, "I stepped on a pink cloud! ><". The next day, A and C saw B going out with this really ugly guy (too). AND so they asked her what happened. (-.-) and so she said, "i stepped on a pink cloud!! T.T" THENTHENTHEN! lolol. the funny part. A and B saw C going out with this really handsome guy. so they asked her what happened and the guy replied, "i stepped on the pink cloud. -.-" LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. HAHAHAHA SORRY. I THINK I JUST EXPLODED AGAIN. HAHA and btw, your supposed to replace A, B and C with real people's names. (e.g. dawne, aileen, elaine) HAHA so funny AHAH oops. ; NETBALL TRAINING WITH SENIORS funfun. haha during breaks we sat and chatted! x) hmm. and we ran 3 rounds around the track. i dieded. -.- i shall go mug for chinese now. tata!(: Monday, February 25, 2008
HELLO!erm. lunch today was absolutely joan, thanks a lot luh. -.- HAHA joan yi yun were asking me something about qirui (WHAT? forgot =X) and we got to the front of the queue and i bought rice plus an egg(dont think out of the box xD) . THEN then absolutely WONDERRFUL joan went to knock me and the rice and egg spilt out. -.- the kind uncle gave me another egg. ;D the uncle is kind. x) THENNNN. i walked to the table and this sec 2 girl knocked me and her soup (HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT!) spilt on my hand. lunch was so adventurous. .____. THEN we went back to class and mich hypered! she couldnt stop laughing luh. can't remember why already. leener and i had to pat her till she calms down. x)) lalalalalalalalalaalallalaaalalala. ERM. MICH. IF YOU ARE READING THIS: YOU BETTER BETTER NOT TELL ANYONE ABOUT WHAT YOU READ IN THAT LETTER. ITS NOT TRUE ANYWAY. (: but STILL. yup. chem was funny! we made some crown thingy for founder's day. the theme this year is GREEK. x) haha funny. leener said she was SHREK and then mr lau borrowed mich and my crown thingy to put on leener's head so that her shrek-y ears would stand. x)) :D lala. ooh. i cant forgot what else already. OHH YA!. christina asked mr lau if he wanted her to traumatise him again. x) during the previous lesson she called his name in this really seductive voice. x))) hahahaha. my lau was like *DAO* x)) haha! okay. i have ponned jap today. TOO MUCH HOMEWORK! D: doing english now. x) 2. in order to save some money (make it a sentence) i wrote: In order to save some money, she often skipped recess and lunch.OKAY! it's not my fault that i dunno what to write. YOU can help me. x)) byee! i want to focus. >< <3 Sunday, February 24, 2008
SAY GOODNIGHT (tc5)Our seperation has it's faults But I don't wanna leave it all So write the letters in teary ink I just need some time to think And I just need some time to breathe Baby just say goodnight I'll be gone tomorrow Baby just close your eyes I can't take the sorrow Baby just walk away You know I can't stay There's no easy way to say goodbye So baby just say goodnight We're in a spell that never ends The empty hourglass wore me thin So let the phone do it's work Your voice is heaven But it hurts Your words are memories But they burn Baby just say goodnight I'll be gone tomorrow Baby just close your eyes I can't take the sorrow Baby just walk away You know I can't stay There's no easy way to say goodbye So baby just say goodnight Baby don't say goodbye Baby just close your eyes And dream,tomorrow's on it's way So just walk away Baby just say goodnight I'll be gone tomorrow Baby just close your eyes I can't take the sorrow Baby just walk away You know I can't stay There's no easy way to say goodbye So baby just say goodnight Baby just say goodnight i love the song(:
1 2 3 4!
one two three four! - yeah let's beat 'em up somemore five six seven eight! - who is up to immitate? ten twenty thirty forty! - blue is absolutely sporty you know? - we know! you know? - we know! say lah! - richardson! one more time! - richardson! who's the BEST? - RICHARDSON! WHEE! richardson is the LOVE(: wheeee. x3333 lalala. erm. tag replies zhong: o.O your not zhong right? gotta be an imposter. zhong is not the type x) matthew: erm... .__. letitia: YES MY POOR SHORTS. it's got a super uber duper short life span D: murderer >< nicolette: (((: yes must do well this year. :D kay byes
(says happily, with contradiction to the previous post) x) anyway, i have to do eeekkkk, homework shit luh. i'm still left with chinese compo, eng revision, chem and jap. then jap SA nxt week. >< NOOOOOOOO!!!!! D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: dieeeee ekk. *chokes self* kay fine. i shall just go do my work luh. byee<3
my grandma's maid ironed a HOLE in my pe shorts. my pe shirts doesnt even NEED ironing. i know i'm being ungrateful and mean and bitchy but STILL. the hole is like damn big. okay nevermind. .__. my poor shorts. good thing i still have another one to wear.
its 12.50 am now. YAWN. i'm tired. the blog is FINALLY DONE! oooh gosh. my eyes are dying. i found so many nice skin but they all dieded on me. THEY REFUSED TO WORK! >< and leti spent so much time on the other skin, which the skin maker cheated on us. she put pics of her and her bf (I THINK) instead of the original pics. RAWWWRRRRR. anyway, i found this skin and i think its nice!. (: yays. bye!<3 sleep TIRED Saturday, February 23, 2008
and then i realised that it's yet another figment of my imaginationi haven't posted for a long time again! D: i'm so lazy :D okayokayokayokayokayokayokay. whheee! HOUSE PARTY TODAY. <3 color="#000099"> BLUE BLUEBLUEBLUEBLUE BEE HOON! ;D delicious (: and leen brought purple salad. =X LEEN YOU TRAITOR~ haha no luh, apparently the food dye screwed up. x) it looked spaz. x) um. but i got kinda depressed while eating so i started messing my food around and the area i sat at had bee hoon on the table. =X sorry><><>:[ kay but STILl HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY dARHLING QINRONG!(: muaxx(: wahaha i hope you liked the sheep(mehh.) that i got for you. IT DOES NOT LOOK SPAZ OKAY. its total cuteness(: wheee! I LOVE RICHARDSON richard richard what are we? H-O-T ah H-O-T! shout it out! AH WHHEEE AH WHEE AH WHEE yell it out! AHH WAHH (o.O) AHH WAHH AH WAHH HA HA HA HA flatten you like PRATA! RICHARDDD!!!<3 (: ;O dawne is drawing SANDY for me. (yesh, i started immitating her voice =X) haha. leti spongebob!!! PATRICK (aww its not me ><) LEEN(: dawne is SQUID. erm. ;D ermermerm.. erm. mr krabs. WELL NO COMMENTS(: lalala. byee! lotsa homework. math sa was shit. yes, shit. btw, JIAYOUs JUNIORS!(: do us proud yeah? x) Monday, February 18, 2008
HELLO!these few days were.. hmm QUITE FUN. haha saturday we had house pract! i can finally remember the mass dance steps. omgggg -.- anyway. after house pract i went to j8 with christina. we planned to study! but in the end we bought coffee and studied at the coffee beans for about. 1 hour? then went slacking again ;D haha. then went to her church! :D i think there're the absolutely most wonderfully enthu ppl there ;D and danielle and this other girl (forgot name) are in netball too! <3 danielle is in sec 2 though. and shes in IJ toapayoh. rgs challenging IG TPY on tuesday >: [ rgs better win! :D go raffles netball (: anyway. yup we played games which allowed us to know more about god. there's this sec 3 bucklian(ri) in christina and my small group. his a traitor. HE WORE A BAYLEY SHIRT. lol. anyway, we made a 'throne' it looked spastic. x) yupyup. after church ended we went to play netball!:D it was fun. x) haha then after that i had to go to my dad's office for some CNY dinner. yes, damn late cny celebration. the food served sucked anyway. wasted my time! i could have been at home sleeping or doing something more productive>< haha. THEN ON SUNDAY I WENT TO BUY MY NEW PHONE<333 NOKIA 5610 EXPRESSMUSIC IS THE LOVE!!;DDDDD yayyyyy. x)) anyway. its late already so i gtg. >< nights<3 Saturday, February 16, 2008
HELLO!YES IKNOW, i haven't posted for a LONGGG time already. D: i should post more dont be so lazy ;D btw, HAPPY V'DAY AND HAPPY TOTAL DEFENCE! may you feel loved x) <333 haha we all received presents from angels and seniors wheeee!!<3 anyway, i bought a cute seahorse soft toy for mich. she named it moss. then we made it a name tag. =X haha and got cass a softtoy too. dawne's present... cant say, cuz i havent given her. ltr she read my blog! (Which she doesnt, but just in case) haha. anyway, had 3 netball trainings already. they're tiring but fun. i need to work on my catching D: jiayous dawne, minchih, andrea, amelia and ME! x)) hahaha. anyway, today was weird. the total defence ppl (fire fighters actually) came to our school. but i wasnt really watching what they did. i was busy talking to churen and christina x) haha. i just got home 1 hour ago. yes i know its horribly late. my new tll class (fri/7.30) sucks. i want to transfer to evan's classs! D: hahai think her class is interesting :D anyway, i think i gtg already. house pract tomorrow! x) tata <33forever. Saturday, February 9, 2008
HELLO EVERYONE,HAPPY CNY!! hahaha. yep. its still cny now so i hope i wasnt too late to wish you all a happy new year x) anyway, my dad's friends came to our house yesterday! well technically luh. but they only left at 4.30AM today. x) hahaha its a tradition. we go to my dad's friend's house every christmas. they come to our house on the 2nd day of the cny. haha we played lots of crap in my room. -.- but this year's party was quite boring cuz some crapper didnt come ! >.< hahaha. we had nothing to do except play with my tablet pc. and doodle on it ! x) OOOH. and we prank called! haha it was kinda lame actually. esther called zhong xuan and she was like "hi, may i speak to mr lim?" zhong: sorry, i think thats the wrong number esther: aiya, nevermind. wrong number also can chat! hahaha. then zhong really started chatting with her.-.- and he revealed many PERSONAL details such as his age and school and blah. and he told us (fine. HER) that his going to ang mo kio library later. -.- zhong arh, you should go take some ICT lessons with us. HAAH. then after that esther started lecturing him. he shouldnt have been talking to strangers like her! ahahah. and zhong said that he dared to talk to her cuz she sounded nice -.- hahaha quite funny actually. hmm. after prank calling there wasnt anything to do. and it was already 2am in the morning! so we started watching a video. but while watching halfway we fell asleep. -.- haha how dumb of us :D anyway. we had class party<3 last sat! it was uber fun. x) lots of food and chips. BUT. i didnt eat a single chip! haha. i ate 4 fish balls though. haha min ee i love your fish balls! ahhh i love fish balls x) and zheng lao shi's spaghetti absolutely rocked.! haha we finished all the noodles. but there were sauce left, cuz at first dawne, ching yee and i (we were serving spaghetti) thought that there were enough noodles and too little sauce, so we gave very little sauce to everyone. in the end there was 1 container of sauce left and no more noodles :D oh shit. i need to go rush my history now. atata!x) Friday, February 1, 2008
WHEEE!!201th post. xDDD hahahhahaha. lalala. i dont really feel like blogging luh. the formative assignments are like flooding in already and summative assignments are coming SOONz. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY (if i cant wish you guys on the day itself, so there!) byeeeee<33 love ya always.xD wheee!` (see, end note same as begin note. hahahha) |