I ♥ God, Raffles Netball (Batch '11) and my friends to the max!
ELAINE; I ♥ God, Raffles Netball (Batch '11) and my friends to the max!
Monday, February 25, 2008
HELLO!erm. lunch today was absolutely joan, thanks a lot luh. -.- HAHA joan yi yun were asking me something about qirui (WHAT? forgot =X) and we got to the front of the queue and i bought rice plus an egg(dont think out of the box xD) . THEN then absolutely WONDERRFUL joan went to knock me and the rice and egg spilt out. -.- the kind uncle gave me another egg. ;D the uncle is kind. x) THENNNN. i walked to the table and this sec 2 girl knocked me and her soup (HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT!) spilt on my hand. lunch was so adventurous. .____. THEN we went back to class and mich hypered! she couldnt stop laughing luh. can't remember why already. leener and i had to pat her till she calms down. x)) lalalalalalalalalaalallalaaalalala. ERM. MICH. IF YOU ARE READING THIS: YOU BETTER BETTER NOT TELL ANYONE ABOUT WHAT YOU READ IN THAT LETTER. ITS NOT TRUE ANYWAY. (: but STILL. yup. chem was funny! we made some crown thingy for founder's day. the theme this year is GREEK. x) haha funny. leener said she was SHREK and then mr lau borrowed mich and my crown thingy to put on leener's head so that her shrek-y ears would stand. x)) :D lala. ooh. i cant forgot what else already. OHH YA!. christina asked mr lau if he wanted her to traumatise him again. x) during the previous lesson she called his name in this really seductive voice. x))) hahahaha. my lau was like *DAO* x)) haha! okay. i have ponned jap today. TOO MUCH HOMEWORK! D: doing english now. x) 2. in order to save some money (make it a sentence) i wrote: In order to save some money, she often skipped recess and lunch.OKAY! it's not my fault that i dunno what to write. YOU can help me. x)) byee! i want to focus. >< <3 |