I ♥ God, Raffles Netball (Batch '11) and my friends to the max!
ELAINE; I ♥ God, Raffles Netball (Batch '11) and my friends to the max!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
LETTUCE IS PRONOUNCED AS LETTICE, NOT LETTUS.:D now i told you. PREPARE FOR ORAL, YOS! i am in 106 now. ); GOING FOR THIRD LANG LATER. i want to quit i want to quit i want to quit i want to quit but i cannot quit-.- my parents don't allow. -.- so later i'm going to tell my dad a lot of crap about jap causing me a lot of stress and taking up a lot of my time like only being able to get home past 8 and whatnot. plus the traffic jams. >:[ AND THE EXAMS. and the failing. and the pulling down of my gpa. and ALLLL THAT NONSENSE JAP CAUSES. seriously. why did i even take it up =.= NO, ELAINE IS NOT STUPID, SHE'S SMARTER THAN YOU ARE (: oh. i think mr lim is a really really fascinating philosophy teacher. seriously. we were discussing about the East Coast Beach cleanup thing. conversation:
I don't think you need me to tell you what happened next : D AKOO IS RETARDED TOO. she doesn't know how to fold a shuriken star although i've taught and shown her for like 4 times. btw my nose is gettng better X; OH. cle was a flasher lesson. i spent almost half of it running away from cass and esther. they wanted to pull my pinafore up. DAMN GROSS, DAMN FLASHER. i like cass's Spongebob BOXER ;D cute much. RETARDEDNESS HAHAHA. JI GUAN QIANG!! (laser gun) BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BOOOOOM. i know you died. (after i'd shot you 18 times. and threw a bomb at you) but a farewell is only polite, so BYE :D |