I ♥ God, Raffles Netball (Batch '11) and my friends to the max!
ELAINE; I ♥ God, Raffles Netball (Batch '11) and my friends to the max!
Monday, April 16, 2007
YOOOZ ppl!!!im slightly pissed at someone now. but shall not mention. or i get more pissed fursly. i met AAASSSHHHHLLLEEEYYYY woo thrice today! and i called him ASSSHHHLLLEEEYYY woo. and he called me an ABNORMAL geper. who cares! lalala his name is so farni sry. being mean here. XD ANDDD... why are math lessons so boring YET so farni?? its wierd lehhh. fursly cuz we haf QingHao (aka Unknown A), and we haf Ms Tay when ms tay was going through the paper wib us, wei heng said, "ms tay, yon lu offers her paper!" and ms tay turned around annoyed, and said to yonlu "sometimes, i would appreciate it if you keep quiet and keep comments to yourself, yon lu." *smiles* den everyone started laffing, cuz yonlu didnt say anything. HAHA den, daphne was moving out of her seat. so qinghao was lyk "OI! DAPHNE! WAT U DOING! GO BAK TO UR SEAR LARH!!!!" (which was diaganally behind qinghaos. vry closed together) i started laffing and told zhong "qing hao JUZ CANT WAIT to get closer to daphne!" so zhong asked qinghao, "eh u cant wait to get closer to daphne?" and guess wat QH said. ......... ....... ..... .... ... "YEA!" HAHAHAHA BURST AND LAFFED LYK HELL. SERIOUS. kk, nth much to say liaoz. tata! and btw, ashley's terrarium has MAGGOTS. |